Lifeworks Global

Empowering communities with low-cost, sustainable agricultural techniques that improve soil quality and boost crop yields

Who we are

Lifeworks trains NGOs and farmers to produce and use natural microbial fertilisers that restore soil fertility, and boost farmer incomes. These natural technologies have the power to transform lives and livelihoods – and are made using low-cost, locally available materials. Crop yields can improve by 150% in the first harvest – and we estimate the average farmer increases annual income by $120. Production of microbial fertilisers can easily be scaled up and commercialised by communities and local entrepreneurs, creating jobs and prosperity.

We develop partnerships with local NGOs that work with farming communities and support them so they can transfer the knowledge to farmers. Lifeworks offers a complete support package to NGO partners, including introductions to sources of funding. 

Lifeworks is a founding partner of the NaturePlus consortium, which aims to scale-up adoption of nature-positive agricultural interventions and practices that can restore ecosystems, enhance food- and nutritional-security, and improve livelihoods. Find out more here.

Empowering communities

Watch our webinar

This webinar shares powerful microbial technologies that foster food security and create new commercial opportunities for small-holder farmers and their communities.

African farmer tending some crops

What we do

Lifeworks offers the following:

  • Training in producing microbial fertilisers and how to use them, plus ongoing support to farmers through field visits and WhatsApp support groups.
  • Guidance and support to farmers in how to set up and run their holding as a small agribusiness. Also support to local entrepreneurs in setting up a business selling microbial fertilisers at scale, with introductions to mentors for support.
  • For NGO partners we can provide guidelines and templates for project bids, as well as introductions to key contacts in national government bodies and international agencies.

We work across the following development themes: Sustainable /  Regenerative Agriculture; Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation; Forests and Landscapes Restoration; and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). We work with large international institutions such as FAO, IITA, World Bank and government bodies to get buy-in and certification.

Why we do it

Our work is more urgent than ever as the growing impact of soil degradation and climate change affect the lives of millions, with the poorest being hit the hardest.

Farmers using our techniques are reporting significant increases in crop yield – between 50% and 150% – and reduced spending on commercial fertilisers. Small-scale livestock and poultry farmers also benefit from better animal health including the impact of deworming and repelling of insect vectors and pests and higher prices at market.

Cracked and degraded soil
A pile of corn cobs


people worldwide are affected by malnutrition

10 million

hectares of farmland are lost each year to soil erosion


of the world’s agricultural land is managed by small-scale farmers

Transforming the soil

Microbial science is revolutionising farming. Research has shown that natural microbial preparations made with readily available materials can transform soil health, boost crop yields, strengthen plants’ resistance to disease and pests, and increase the carbon carrying capacity of the soil. Read our evidence summary here

Instead of burning crop residue after the harvest, which puts more carbon into the atmosphere, farmers can instead use it to make a rich compost using an 18-day hot composting method. When used with microbial fertilisers, this compost increases soil organic carbon. This zero carbon ‘technology’ is effectively free.

In the case of polluted water courses, it is scientifically proven that treating water with suitable microbial treatments can neutralize pathogens. The Gates Foundation estimates that polluted water is the cause of disease in more than 2 billion people annually.

Transforming the soil through microbial science

The Paradigm Shift


Our Impact

Over the last 10 years, we have supported farmers in Rwanda, Zambia, South Africa, South Sudan, Kenya, DR Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, and India​ with very positive results. In 2021 we are training in six more African countries. We have developed close relationships with government ministries, NGOs, and regional and international bodies, including the African Development Bank and Anglican dioceses. Our model of training trainers means that thousands of small-scale farmers have now been helped to improve their soil, increase their yields and sustain their communities.

Our Partners

We work alongside a variety of partner organisations, both funders and project organisers, as well as agricultural research establishments.

Lifeworks Partners
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