Building on success in Rwanda

Patrick Tuyishimire first bought a pig with the profits from his increased yield following a Lifeworks Training. Now he is building a house.
Patrick is 26 years old and lives in Eastern Rwanda. He lost both his parents in the country’s genocide and was brought up by his uncle. He attended a Lifeworks training in January 2020 and has never looked back.
“All the manure has turned into a business,” he says. He used the compost and microbial products on the beans and potatoes he grew on a rented field. “They grew so perfect and fast that people wanted to know the secret I used.”
Now he is making the products for some of his neighbours too, and training others.
With the extra income from his increased yields and for the compost and serums he is selling, he first bought himself a pig. Now he plans to build himself a house.
Patrick told us that his life will never be the same again.